Lehrstuhl für Staatstheorie und Recht
Кафедра теории государства и права, образованная в 1973 г., обеспечивает общетеоретическое и методологическое единство осуществления образовательной деятельности при преподавании юридических дисциплин.

Кафедра поддерживает тесные контакты с Правительством Республики Башкортостан, Секретариатом Государственного Собрания – Курултая Республики Башкортостан, ООО «Газпром межрегионгаз Уфа», Министерством труда и социальной защиты населения Республики Башкортостан, Министерством промышленности и инновационной политики Республики Башкортостан, Гильдией российских адвокатов по Республике Башкортостан, Государственным комитетом Республики Башкортостан по делам юстиции, Республиканским государственным автономным учреждением «Многофункциональный центр предоставления государственный и муниципальных услуг», Государственным казенным учреждением «Республиканский центр социальной поддержки населения», Уполномоченным по правам ребенка в Республике Башкортостан и др.

Выпускники кафедры трудятся на различных должностях в Администрации Главы РБ, Правительстве РБ, федеральных структурах, министерствах и ведомствах, органах местного самоуправления.
450005 Ufa, ul. Dostojewski, 131, kab. 312
+ 7 (347) 253-20-84
email: gospravo404@mail.ru
  • Galiev Farit Khatipovich
    Acting Head of the Department
    Academic degree / title: Doctor of Law, Associate Professor
    State and departmental awards: Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation
    Research interests: problems of the legal culture of modern society, problems of the formation of civil society and the rule of law
  • Aznagulova Guzel Mukhametovna
    Academic degree / title: Doctor of Law, Associate Professor
    State and departmental awards: Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2009); Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus (2014)
    Research interests: modern legal systems; comparative law
  • Zilya Vagizovna Baisheva
    Academic degree / title: Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor
    Research interests: judicial eloquence
  • Fanis Mansurovich Rayanov
    Consulting Professor
    Academic degree / title: Doctor of Law, Professor
    State and departmental awards: Order of Merit for the Republic of Bashkortostan
    Research interests: problems of formation of civil society institutions, legal and federal state
  • Timonin Anatoly Nikolaevich
    Academic degree / title: Doctor of Law, Professor
    State and departmental awards: Honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan"
    Research interests: problems of retrospective state studies, problems of the history of state and law
  • Kurmanov Albert Safuatovich
    Academic degree / title: Doctor of Law
    Research interests: legal regulation of relations in the field of education
    Place of main work: lawyer
  • Popova Anna Vladislavovna
    Academic degree / title: Doctor of Law, Associate Professor
    Research interests: state and legal development of Russia and foreign countries
  • Haibullin Ainur Raufovich
    Ученая степень/звание: кандидат юридических наук
    Область научных интересов: правовое регулирование отношений в сфере образования
    Место основной работы: заместитель начальника учебно-методического управления БашГУ
  • Vasiliev Alexander Viktorovich
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor
    Research interests: political and legal conflicts of modern Russia, political and legal doctrine of Russia of the XVIII-XIX centuries, military uniform of the XVIII-XIX centuries: historical and legal aspects
  • Gazizova Leysan Makhmutovna
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Law, Associate Professor
    State and departmental awards: Excellent Student of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan
    Research interests: legal regulation at the level of the subject of the federal state, issues of federalism, peculiarities of the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation and foreign states
  • Enikeev Raphael Nailevich
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Legal Sciences
    State and departmental awards: Medal of the II degree "For merits in the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens"
    Field of scientific interests: problems of the rule of law
    Practical experience: lawyer
  • Zubairov Marat Galyanurovich
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Historical Sciences
    Research interests: actual problems of the history of state and law in Russia
  • Timur Salavatovich Kasimov
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Legal Sciences
    Research interests: modern concepts of the state
  • Larinbaeva Ilmira Ishmurzovna
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Legal Sciences
    Research interests: principles of law and the formation of the rule of law, human rights in the system of Russian law
  • Latypova Natalia Sergeevna
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Legal Sciences
    State and departmental awards: Medal of the III degree "For distinction in service"
    Field of research interests: state and legal development of the United States
  • Rudman Mark Naumovich
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Historical Sciences
    Research interests: theory and practice of constitutionalism
  • Tulupova Elena Olegovna
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Legal Sciences
    State and departmental awards: Gratitude of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bashkortostan
    Research interests: human rights in the system of the theory of state and law, human rights and the mechanism of their protection, constitutional law, the constitutional court
  • Yamaletdinova Natalia Vladimirovna
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Legal Sciences
    Research interests: modern comparative law
  • Kamilova Venera Damirovna
    Senior Lecturer
    Academic degree / title: not available
    Research interests: State law of the Russian Federation and foreign countries
  • Kiselev Pavel Petrovich
    Senior Lecturer
    Academic degree / title: Candidate of Legal Sciences
    Research interests: the legal basis of legal practice; the activity of a lawyer in civil proceedings; the use of special knowledge in the activities of a lawyer.
    Practical experience: lawyer
  • Mustafin Ilmir Ralifovich
    Academic degree / title: not available
    Research interests: the legal system of society, its structure, principles of functioning, comparative law, reception of law
  • Khayretdinova Alina Ilyasovna
    Academic degree / title: not available
    Research interests: history of state and law of foreign countries
    Practical experience: lawyer
Informationen für Studenten

Das Thema der Abschlussqualifikationsarbeit nach dem Programm der Magistratur «Die gesetzliche Regulierung der staatlichen und kommunalen Verwaltung»

Die empfohlene Liste der Kursarbeiten nach der Disziplin "Die anwaltliche und menschenrechtsrechtliche Tätigkeit"

Die empfohlene Liste der Kursarbeiten nach der Disziplin "Theorien des Staates und des Rechts"

Empfohlene Liste der Kursarbeiten in der Disziplin "Kollisionsrecht"

Wahl des wissenschaftlichen Leiters

Grundlagen der Praxis
MO-SA 08: 00 - 18: 00

+7 (347) 228-90-30
die Strae Dostojewski, d. 131,
Ufa, Republik Baschkortostan, 450005